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Sustenance & Cheer

Lobster! Ice cream! Blueberries! Seafood! Cheese! Beer! Wine! I could go on and on about Maine's bountiful fresh food and drink. Maine's not simply farm to table, it's often farm as table. Here you'll find posts related not only to Maine food and drink, but also to food and drink from places beyond Maine.

One potato, two potato: Seek out Maine’s Fox Family Potato Chips

Honest, I've never been one who covets potato chips. Sure, if they're served with a sandwich, I'll usually chow a few, but I never...

Foliage escapes without the crowds: Tour Maine’s Katahdin/Moosehead region

Considering a fall foliage leaf-peeping trip in Maine? Here's the first in a series of places where you can escape the crowds. I'll start...