Ya cahn't get they-ah from he-ah (or heave ho)


This time of year, it seems as if practically every road in Maine is either under construction or should be. Between construction delays on some roads and car-swallowing potholes and mountain-and-valley frost heaves on other, it might seem easier to just stay put.

Instead, before venturing out, check search Maine on New England 511, the Maine Department of Transportation’s website, for construction updates and road conditions. And, especially if you don’t have a GPS, always carry a relatively current edition of DeLorme’s Maine Atlas and Gazateer in the car. I can almost always find a back road or byway (often dirt) to get around a traffic jam.

Be forewarned: The MDOT is considering shutting down I-95 southbound between Gardiner and Topsham from mid June through late August, 2008, for reconstruction. (Don’t shoot the messenger.)

As for those potholes and frost heaves: Time heals all wounds. Until it does, better just enjoy life in the slow lane.