Kick off holiday shopping at Artful Gifts


Forgive me as I wipe the drool off my keyboard. For once, I’m not drooling over food, but rather over the magnificent artisan-made goods that will be shown at Artful Gifts. Slated to take place at Point Lookout, in Northport (just north of Camden), Nov. 19-21, 2010, this crafts show and sale features works by more than 40 artisans from throughout New England.

Artful Gifts kicks off Friday with the First Choice Cocktail Gala, from 5-8 p.m. This early-bird-gets-the-best-picks reception features light music and fare and a cash bar, all for a $10 donation benefitting Coastal Mountains Land Trust and United Mid-Coast Charities.

The show continues Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with admission pegged at a $3 donation.


  1. Thanks so much again, Hilary, for this great post. The second-annual show was a huge success. Hope to see you at next year’s! — Mimi

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